With a combination of personal and online services the Security State Bank of Marine offers many services to help you manage your cash flow.
Earnings credit is based on average daily balance. Earnings credit % may vary due to current interest rates.
$10.00 per month
$.12 per debit transaction
$.06 per credit transaction
$.06 each deposited item
First 50 debit items free
First 50 deposit items free
The earnings credit allowance offsets the monthly service charge (not realized in dollars)
A Certificate of Deposit is both a receipt for funds deposited with our bank and a contract in which you agree to leave your money on deposit for a fixed amount of time in return for a fixed rate of interest.
Call for Current Rates or Click here
Each depositor is insured to $250,000 by the FDIC. Additional protection can be obtained by holding jointly, or in trust, or Individual Retirement Accounts.
Member FDIC
To inquire or apply for financing for home loan purchase or refinance, cabins, second homes, home equity loans or investments properties click here
Wide Variety of Programs
Competitive Rates
15 year, 20 year, and 30 year fixed rate mortgages
Financing for primary & secondary homes and investment property
Member FDIC
Real Estate
Home Equity
Home Improvement
Construction Loan
Hobby Farms
Recreational Vehicles
Bare Land Loan
Consumer Loans
Ready Reserve Lines of Credit
Business Credit Line
Commercial Loans
Automatic Deposits
Automatic Payments
Automatic Transfers
Bill Payment Services
Cashiers Checks
Credit Cards
Debit Cards/ATM Cards
Dial-A-Bank (24-hour Customer Support)
Foreign Currency
Digital Banking
Mobile Banking
Mobile Remote Deposit Capture
Money Orders
Night Depository
Notary Service
Postage Paid Bank by Mail Envelopes
Safe Deposit Boxes
Wire Transfers